7 May 2025 Wed 20.00

Kadıköy Munic. Süreyya Opera House

RETO BIERI clarinet

Pre-concert talk with AYDIN BÜKE & ALİ PINAR
19.00-19.30, Upper Foyer / Süreyya Opera House

DEBUSSY String Quartet in G minor, op.10
HERMANN Clarinet Quintet "Souvenir du Voyage"


Early Bird (11 September-10 October 2024): 650 / 455 / 195 TL
Regular: 780 / 546 / 234 TL
Student: 20% discount on all ticket categories during the general ticket sale and early bird period.

Early bird ticket sales end on October 10, 2024, and ticket prices will increase by 20%.

Borusan Sanat Premium and Borusan Sanat Classic members’ respective discount rates 30% and 20% end after their relevant advance sales periods, after which Premium and Classic members will be entitled to 20% and 10% discount, respectively.
Borusan Sanat Young members’ 50% discount is only valid during the general sales period and on all ticket categories.

Click here for further information about tickets.

As we welcome spring, Borusan Quartet will close the 2024/25 season with a performance of the only string quartet written by Claude Debussy, the String Quartet in G minor. Debussy holds a unique place in the music of the turn of the 20th century for his exceptional contributions to the worlds of sound and perception. The other work of this evening will be the Clarinet Quintet "Souvenir du Voyage", composed in 1967 by Bernard Hermann, an iconic composer best known for his fruitful collaboration with Alfred Hitchcock in film music. The guest soloist for this concert titled “Reflections” will be Swiss clarinettist and improviser Reto Bieri. For over 20 years, in addition to his solo and chamber music performances, Bieri was also an artistic director. He brought a fresh concept to the classical music scene with his brilliant, poetic theme evenings ‘à la DAVOS FESTIVAL’ in cooperation with various chamber orchestras and accompanied by long-standing chamber music partners – in particular violinist Patrica Kopatchinskaja.

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