Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Thomas Rösner
Tenor: Daniel Behle

The CD recording titled Richard performed by tenor Daniel Behle accompanied by Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Thomas Rösner has been released under Prospero Classical label. This recording of BIPO, who shared the same stage with Thomas Rösner and Daniel Behle in the 2022/3 season, held at Borusan Oto İstinye 9.55 Hall.

This album consists of the works of Richard Strauss and Richard Wagner. The works of Strauss, one of the Lied masters of the turn of the century with his music language that reinforces dramatic sensitivity, with his lieds Cäcilie", "Ruhe, meine Seele!", "Ständchen", "Heimliche Aufforderung", "Befreit" and "Morgen" and the Symphonic Interlude no. 2 from the Intermezzo, present a selection in this album. The other part of the selection invites music enthusiasts to embark a musical journey surrounded by arias from operas Lohengrin, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg and Tannhäuser by Richard Wagner.

Thomas Rösner writes in the album’s booklet: “When I conducted the Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra for the first time, it was immediately clear to me that the sound was wonderfully soft and malleable and would be an excellent match for German Romanticism. Thus, my desire was born to record Wagner and Strauss with Daniel Behle and this orchestra.”


RICHARD STRAUSS (1864 ̶ 1949)
Cäcilie, op. 27/2
Ruhe, meine Seele!, op.27/1
Ständchen, op.17/2
Heimliche Aufforderung, op.27/3
Intermezzo, op.72 – Sinfonisches Zwischenspiel, no.2
Befreit, op. 39/4
Morgen, op.27/4

RICHARD WAGNER (1813 ̶ 1883)
“Gralserzählung” | Lohengrin
“Vorspiel” | Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
“Preislied” | Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
“Romerzählung” | Tannhäuser


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